Tuesday, September 27, 2005

JC & Farmer Earl: Feedin' Time

Way to plan ahead, JC. To learn more about Mr. K's favourite food, click here.

1 comment:

Reverend Paul said...

Dear anonymous,

Thanks for the tip. Don't get me started on Heron! There are two kinds of programming language designers in this world. The first are the ones who spend far too much time in front of their computers. Especially with Heron! Then there are those who shrink themselves down and go inside the computer to race lightcycles and shit. Zoom! As for me, I'm the type of computer programming language designer who gets ten kinds of coked up, puts on a Miner Forty-Niner costume and goes a-prospectin' for GOLD! I'm cuckoo for that GOLD! And MONEY! I'll tell you what, anonymous. Since you keep hooking me up with all this GOLD, I'm going to build an 80' tall slide out of GOLD that ends in a pool of sloe gin and I'm going to invite you over to my para-military Christian compound and we'll spend all day long just getting stoopid. But after that, you'll have to help me bore to center of the Earth, where I'm fighting a war against some giant, crystalline insects. And it's not going well down there. I love you.

Best regards,

Reverend Paul